
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Women In Art

This fascinating animation uses the latest morphing technology to reveal how representations of female beauty in art have changed over the last 1,200 years. Beginning with early religious paintings and moving through the Renaissance, to impressionism and finally cubism, each face melts perfectly - and disconcertingly - into the next. The intriguing thing is how little the faces change both in terms of expression and, just as significantly, colour. Of course, the animator chose the pictures in order to make the morphing as smooth and effective as possible, so this can hardly be regarded as a serious, objective history of art. But the women painted are all rosy lipped, large-eyed, pale-skinned beauties - faces, in fact, that would not look out of place on the cover of Vogue today. Very clever and pretty worrying, too.


Shimumsy said...

thanks for the visit. have a good day to you.

ryann said...

nice art